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"Over the years I have tried many natural products. Nothing has ever worked so well (and continues to do so!) as MaxGXL®. After only three days on MaxGXL, I could not believe how much better my left hand was. Another pleasant surprise is my balance, which has been terrible since a back operation in 1972. My balance now has greatly improved. The best improvement, I believe, is my energy level. I sleep so much better and wake up ready to GO! I am 70 years young and have the same or more zip than when I was 39! Thank you MaxGXL! " 

Like so many people who first hear of MaxGXL, I had my doubts about what it could do for me and how it would improve my life. I was approached by a good friend of mine named Gary. He told me he wanted to show me this new product that would improve my overall health and improve my physical performance. I was intrigued because I was thinking about competing in the World Police and Fire Games for Karate in British Columbia in 2009. I am a firefighter for the city of Mississauga, Ontario and for the past while I wanted to get back into competing. I hold a black belt in Tae Kwon Do. I used to compete all the time but for the past ten years my focus went to other things. I never stopped running, stretching and lifting weights but as far as martial arts and competition, I was out of fighting shape. I knew that if I was going to do this, I needed all the help I could get. Gary explained the inner workings of Glutathione and MaxGXL. To say the least, I was interested. My third day on MaxGXL I had one of my best Karate classes to date. My cardio was limitless that night. The hour long class was actually not long enough! I could have gone for a second hour. It was then that I knew I had to keep taking this stuff. On April 12th, 2008 I came out of retirement having competed in my first local Karate tournament. I placed first in my division and second for Grand Champion. I owe a large part of this to MaxGXL. I look forward to future competitions, not only because I know my body is functioning as it should but also because I want to share my story and more importantly MaxGXL!  



I have been a powerlifter for 35 years; in 1993 I suffered two heart attacks and quadruple by-pass surgery. To say the least, it has been a rocky comeback. About a year ago I had an acquaintance convince me to try MaxGXL. The first week of taking MaxGXL I started to feel the difference in my body. I had more endurance in my training, my recovery time decreased. I qualified for two world championships in November, one in Las Vegas, and the other in Palm Beach, Florida. I won the national championships for my age and weight and broke the existing American record in the bench press for 55-59 year olds at 198 pounds body weight with 396 pounds barely missing the world record of 442. I owe a lot to Max International! 


To top it off, I NEVER get sore any more after my workouts. Even on the days I work out extra hard I think to myself, "man, I am going to be hurting so bad tomorrow." But much to my surprise... NOTHING! I love MaxGXL! Not only for what it has done to my body, but for what I know it is doing to protect my body in the future! And I got an added benefit: I sleep so great now. I wake up feeling so crisp and energetic. Thanks, Dr. Keller!!!


I've struggled with weight loss issues all my life. A friend introduced me to MaxGXL. I got on the product and had no idea, but major changes happened to me physically. I began to do things that I hadn't been able to do in a long, long time.  


"Committed to develop real health breakthroughs based on scientific research that will lead the wellness and nutritional industry to deliver total quality proprietary products through the efforts and labor of renowned medicinal chemist Dr. Herbert T. Nagasawa and other world experts who made groundbreaking advances in glutathione enhancing products."

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